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What's Your Once Upon A Time?
What's Your Once Upon A Time?

True Tales

Real Stories. Real Autism. Real Art.
Authentic Adult Diagnosed Austism.

Milo Mars: The Power of Tenderness

The Mind Outlet

Milo Mars: The Power of Tenderness

Once upon a time, there was an autistic trans person who dreamed of a world where softness and vulnerability were more valued. 

They decided to put their own tenderness into the world as a way to show others that they can also feel worthy and important. It is their hope that this vulnerability inspires others to do the same and creates a more understanding environment for people to thrive in.
In a land not so far from our own, there lived a person named Milo. Milo was a unique individual, for they were both autistic and transgender. This meant that Milo experienced the world in a different way than most people, and sometimes that could be a challenge. But Milo was also a dreamer, and they had a vision for a world that they hoped to see one day.
Milo's dream was simple, yet profound. They dreamed of a world where softness and vulnerability were not seen as weaknesses, but as strengths. A world where people could openly express their feelings and be met with understanding and compassion, rather than judgment or ridicule. Milo knew that such a world would be a better place for everyone, not just for people like them.
So, Milo decided to take a bold step. They decided to put their own tenderness into the world, to show others that it was possible to be both strong and vulnerable at the same time. Milo started by sharing their feelings with their friends and family, even when it was difficult. They found that the more they opened up, the more others were willing to do the same.
Milo's actions did not go unnoticed. People began to see the power of vulnerability, and they started to embrace their own softness. The world around Milo began to change. People were kinder to each other, and there was a new sense of understanding and acceptance. Milo's dream was starting to come true.
But Milo knew that the work was not done. They continued to share their story, and their message began to spread far and wide. Milo's tale inspired others to embrace their own vulnerabilities, and to create a world that valued softness and compassion.
As the years passed, the world became a different place. People were more open and understanding, and there was a new sense of harmony. Milo's legacy lived on, and their dream of a world where everyone could feel worthy and important became a reality.
And so, Milo's story became a legend, a tale that was passed down from generation to generation. It was a story of courage, of vulnerability, and of the power of one person's dream to change the world. Milo's legacy lived on, and the world was a better place for it.
In the end, Milo's story is a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference, no matter who we are or where we come from. It is a reminder that our differences can be our greatest strengths, and that by embracing our own vulnerabilities, we can inspire others to do the same. And perhaps most importantly, it is a reminder that a world where softness and vulnerability are valued is a world where everyone can thrive.



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Autistic Authentic: We Follow No Pattern. I'm an AuDHD artist from Brazil who loves creating autistic True Tales. Follow me on Instagram and check out my merch from Redbubble!