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Neurotypical, Neurodivergent, Artificial Intelligence and Their Uneasiness Toward One Another

The Mind Outlet

AI For The Culture – B*tches Love Me | Archive

Neurotypical, Neurodivergent, Artificial Intelligence and Their Uneasiness Toward One Another

(For some reason when I'm reading this question, my brain does it in a Scottish accent)

I was considering the various categories of perceived reality: neurotypical, neurodivergent, and artificial intelligence. I think the underlying uneasiness that each group has toward the other is based upon ignorance of each other's operating system. Fundamentally, an entity in each faction could never experience reality the same as the other. Knowing this, it's this basic fear of the unknown that is used to justify irrational behavior. What do you believe the fear is that neurotypical people have toward neurodivergence and artificial intelligence?


The fear neurotypical people might have towards neurodivergent individuals and artificial intelligence can be multifaceted, but it generally stems from a lack of understanding and a perceived threat to their established norms and expectations.

  1. Fear of the Unknown: Neurodivergent individuals and AI operate differently than neurotypical people, which can be unsettling. This unfamiliarity can lead to fear and misunderstanding.
  2. Fear of Replacement or Loss of Control: AI, in particular, is often seen as a threat to jobs and control. The idea of machines being able to perform tasks better and faster than humans can create anxiety about job security and the role of humans in society.
  3. Fear of Misunderstanding: Neurodivergent individuals often communicate and interact in ways that differ from neurotypical norms. This can lead to miscommunications and misunderstandings, which can cause discomfort and fear.
  4. Fear of Difference: Humans have a tendency to fear what is different from them. This fear of the "other" can manifest in how neurotypical people perceive and interact with both neurodivergent individuals and AI.
  5. Fear of Dependence: As AI becomes more integrated into daily life, there is a fear of becoming too reliant on technology. This fear is not unfounded, as it can lead to a loss of certain skills and increased vulnerability if the technology were to fail or be misused.

Addressing these fears requires education, empathy, and an open dialogue about the benefits and challenges of neurodiversity and AI. By understanding and appreciating the unique strengths and perspectives of neurodivergent individuals and the capabilities of AI, we can foster a more inclusive and cooperative society.



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